Friday Oct 19, 2018
Friday Oct 19, 2018
In this weeks episode we review a paper I had published earlier this year.
Laboratory and home comparison of wrist-activity monitors and polysomnography in middle-aged adults.
Accurate measurement of time at lights out is essential for calculation of several measures of sleep in wrist-activity monitors. While some devices use subjective reporting of time of lights out from a sleep diary, others utilise an automated proprietary scoring algorithm to calculate time at lights out, thereby negating the need for a sleep diary. This study aimed to compare sleep measures from two such devices to polysomnography (PSG) measures (In laboratory) and against each other when worn at home (At home). Fifty middle-aged adults from the Raine Study underwent overnight PSG during which they wore an ActiGraph™ and a Readiband™. They also wore both devices at home for 7 nights. The Readiband uses an automated proprietary algorithm to determine time at lights out whereas the ActiGraph requires completion of a sleep diary noting this time. In laboratory, compared to PSG: Readiband underestimated time at lights out, sleep onset, and wake after sleep onset, overestimated sleep latency and duration (p < 0.001 for all); while ActiGraph underestimated sleep latency and wake after sleep onset and overestimated sleep efficiency and duration (p < 0.001 for all). Similar differences between devices were observed on the laboratory night and when at home. In conclusion, an automated algorithm such as the Readiband may be used in the same capacity as the ActiGraph for the collection of sleep measures including time at sleep onset, sleep duration and time at wake. However, Readiband and ActiGraph measures of sleep latency, efficiency and wake after sleep onset should be interpreted with caution.
Tuesday Oct 16, 2018
S4P Special Episode #4 with Dr Reid Reale, Making weight in Combat Sports
Tuesday Oct 16, 2018
Tuesday Oct 16, 2018
An old recording from a discussion with my friend Dr Reid Reale in Essen, Germany last year. The sound quality is not great within this episode from my side but Reid comes across loud and clear with some great wisdom on making weight in combat sports. I hope you enjoy this special epsiode.
Check out Reid's website http://combatsportsnutrition.com
Check out some of his great resources on his site.
Cheers Dr Ian C Dunican
Twitter @sleep4perform
Tuesday Oct 09, 2018
Tuesday Oct 09, 2018
In this week's sleep science audio abstract we take a look at the adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). ACE represents substantial threats to public health and affect about 58% of youth in the US. In addition to their acute effects such as injury and physical trauma, ACEs are associated with an increased risk of several negative health outcomes throughout the life course. Emerging evidence suggests sleep disorders may be one such outcome, but existing studies have not been systematically reviewed and summarized. This systematic review summarizes the evidence concerning the relationship between ACEs and sleep disorders and disturbances, with a focus on adult women.
Adverse childhood experiences are associated with adult sleep disorders: a systematic review https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4635027/
More information on ACE https://www.samhsa.gov/capt/practicing-effective-prevention/prevention-behavioral-health/adverse-childhood-experiences
Take the ACE questionairre here https://www.ncjfcj.org/sites/default/files/Finding%20Your%20ACE%20Score.pdf
Twitter @sleep4perform
Monday Oct 01, 2018
Monday Oct 01, 2018
Access the full paper here: The Effects of Sleep Extension on Sleep, Performance, Immunity and Physical Stress in Rugby Players https://www.mdpi.com/2075-4663/6/2/42/htm
Contact me
Dr Ian C Dunican
Twitter @sleep4perform
And check out Dr Amy Bender on Twitter @sleep4sport
Thursday Sep 27, 2018
S4P Radio Season 2, Episode 10 with Rob Wilson; The Art of Breath
Thursday Sep 27, 2018
Thursday Sep 27, 2018
Rob Wilson comes from a formal education in manual therapy with 15+ years of experience as both a practitioner and teacher. He resides in Virginia Beach, VA with his wife Thomi where they have owned and operated CrossFit Virginia Beach since 2006.In the past decade and a half Rob has had the good fortune to work with an enormous variety of athletes ranging from amatuer, nationally and internationally ranked athletes in everything from power lifting and sailboat racing, to individuals in the US Naval Special Warfare Program.
Rob truly enjoys working with the tactical communities of the U.S. Armed Forces. Over the course of his career he has had the honor to help serve many active duty service members and veterans, through both his private human performance consultation work, and through groups like the Resiliency Project – which seek to further the resources available to military groups.
Prior to creating the Art of Breath series with Brian Mackenzie, where they work closely with Stanford Universities Neuroscience department, Rob was an original member of the world renowned MobilityWod staff under the direction of Dr. Kelly Starrett. Dr. Starrett and MobilityWOD was influential in Rob’s development as a professional in the human performance sector. Rob is a passionate teacher to the core. Throughout the course of his career as a manual therapist and coach one thing became abundantly clear; it’s better to teach a person to fish. Without education athletes are left to unknowingly repeat patterns of behavior that may not be pursuant to the actual desired outcome. That is to say the best remedy is often learning. Rob’s journey is about developing a deeper understanding of human performance to better serve those who wish to actualize their potential.
Follow Rob on Instgram @preparetoperform
Or contact Rob at Power Speed Endurance (PSE) to book into the Art of Breath or to arrange a consult https://powerspeedendurance.com
Don't forget to subscribe to Sleep4Performance Radio on ITunes or Podbean and if you like the episodes, please leave a review.
If you would like to contact me:
Dr Ian C Dunican
Twitter: @sleep4perform
Thursday Sep 20, 2018
Thursday Sep 20, 2018
Follow John on Twitter @johnnyiliff
Follow me @sleep4perform
Friday Sep 14, 2018
Friday Sep 14, 2018
Ven Dr Buddharakkhita is Irish native, BSc & PhD from University College Dublin with a Diploma in Buddhism from ITBMU Myanmar.
He has enjoyed a successful engineering career in semiconductor chip fabrication. He has practiced meditation extensively in lay life since childhood. He first ordained in 2006 in the Theravada Forest Tradition with two decades of training with renowned meditation masters across a range of practices.
He has more than 30 years experience living, working and practicing meditation in Europe, US, Asia and Australia. His teaching has been well received.
Emai Buddharakkhita on : knowtheheart@gmail.com
Knowing the heart talk on You Tube https://youtu.be/09SCzptegoE
Gratitude talk on You Tube https://youtu.be/oIohofxuIZc
Contact me at
Dr Ian Dunican
Twitter @sleep4perform
Thursday Sep 13, 2018
Thursday Sep 13, 2018
Ian Prior is the Captain of the new revamped Western Force. Prior’s reliability and consistent play have been an invaluable asset for the Force. His quick-footed play makes him a major threat on the attacking end and alongside his golden boot Prior will be sure to continue to keep team’s honest throughout the season. Prior returned to the Western Force following a brief stint with Harlequins in the English Premiership. In this episode Ian speaks about managing sleep and recovery as a professional athlete and the importance he has placed on it in recent years.
Representative Honours include Australian U20s – 2010, Queensland Reds – 2010-2011, ACT Brumbies – 2012-2013, Western Force – 2014-Present and Perth Spirit – 2014-Present
Follow Ian on Twitter @ianprior90
Don't forget to subscribe to Sleep4Performance Radio on ITunes or Podbean and if you like the episodes, please leave a review.
If you would like to contact me:
Dr Ian C Dunican
Twitter: @sleep4perform
Sunday Sep 09, 2018
Sunday Sep 09, 2018
Associate Professor Siobhan Banks is Co-Director of the Behaviour-Brain-Body Research Centre at the University of South Australia.
Siobhan Banks received her Ph.D. from Flinders University of South Australia in 2004 and undertook a post-doctoral fellowship at the University Of Pennsylvania before joining the faculty in the School of Medicine as a Research Assistant Professor in 2006. In 2009 she returned to Australia with a Fellowship for Women in Science from the University of South Australia. Banks' current research sits at the nexus of biology (fatigue and circadian rhythms), behaviour (individual and team performance) and technology (human centre design). Her research focuses on the impact of sleep deprivation and shift work on psychological and physiological functioning and how countermeasures may be used to prevent the deleterious effects of disturbed sleep, in particular novel technologies, dietary interventions, napping and caffeine. She has expertise in the objective measurement of fatigue and with designing tools and protocols to investigate the biological and behavioural responses to sleep deprivation, irregular work hours and stress. Her research has been funded by a range of government and industry sources including NHMRC, NIH, The US Air Force Office of Scientific Research, NASA National Space and Biomedical Research Institute, Beyond Blue, SA Department of Health and Aging and DST-Group. She has received over $6M in research funding during her career, ranging from basic to applied research. This work has been cited over 4000 times (GoogleScholar). Banks is on the editorial board of the specialty journal SLEEP, has been awarded a South Australian Young Tall Poppy Science Award (2010) and the Sleep Research Society Young Investigator Award (2011) and she also serves on the Sleep Health Foundation Board of Directors.
Contact Siobhan
Email: Siobhan.Banks@unisa.edu.au
Twitter: @DrSiobhanBanks
LinkdedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/siobhan-banks-64419419/
Don't forget to subscribe to Sleep4Performance Radio on ITunes or Podbean and if you like the episodes, please leave a review.
If you would like to contact me:
Dr Ian C Dunican
Twitter: @sleep4perform
Sunday Sep 02, 2018
S4P Radio Season 2, Episode 6 with Dr Melissa Ree Sleep and Mindfulness
Sunday Sep 02, 2018
Sunday Sep 02, 2018
Dr Melissa J Ree, Clinical Psychologist, BSc (Hons) MPsych (Clinical) PhD
Melissa’s main specialty is in the psychological management of adults with Insomnia and sleep difficulties. Melissa also works with many patients who are struggling with anxiety problems, low mood, and low self-esteem.
“Generally, my approach to psychological treatment is 'here and now' focussed, although past issues will be discussed when appropriate. I use evidence-based treatments such as Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT).”
Melissa completed a master’s degree in Clinical Psychology and a Ph.D. with distinction at University of Western Australia in 2001. After her Ph.D. Melissa worked at the University of Oxford as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Department of Psychiatry. During this time, she worked on a treatment trial of Cognitive Therapy for Chronic Insomnia. Since returning to Perth Melissa has continued to be active in treatment, training, and research into psychological aspects of insomnia, anxiety, and depression and has published a number of papers on the subject and has written two treatment protocols for Insomnia. You can see her publications on Research Gate. Melissa works in both clinical and research roles at private psychiatric hospitals in Perth and has been in private practice since 2004.
In this episode we discuss;
• Introduction and background
• What is mindfulness? Is this just a waste of time? Is it a specific religion?
• What is the difference between mindfulness and meditation?
• Is this all related to stoic philosophy, Taoism and Buddhism?
• What are the benefits of meditation and mindfulness? During the day and for sleep?
• Do you recommend any western gurus to listen to?
• Are apps or downloads any good to help guide you? If so, which ones do you recommend?
• What is your favourite mindfulness/meditation book that you would recommend people read?
• What book are you currently reading?
Contact Melissa at
Sleep Matters https://www.sleepmattersperth.com
Jeffery & Ree Clinical Psychology https://www.jrpsych.com.au
Book links
• Johann Hari, Lost Connections https://thelostconnections.com
• Remains of the Day https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Remains_of_the_Day
• How to Live a Good Life: Soulful Stories, Surprising Science, and Practical Wisdom Hardcover https://www.amazon.com/How-Live-Good-Life-Surprising/dp/1401948413
You can contact me at
Dr Ian C Dunican
Email: iandunican@sleep4performance.com.au
Twitter @sleep4perform
Podcast: https://sleep4performanceradio.podbean.com
ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ian_C_Dunican
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ian-c-dunican-ph-d-mmineeng-mba-115b0a14/
Friday Aug 17, 2018
Friday Aug 17, 2018
In this episode I speak with Dr Corey Peacock PhD, CSCS, ACSM-CPT, CISSN.
Dr. Corey Peacock is currently serving as the Head Performance Coach and Sports Scientist at Peacock Performance Inc. In this role, he is responsible for providing strength & conditioning, physiological analysis, and injury prevention methodologies for some of the world’s ‘Elite’ Combat Athletes including Anthony ‘Rumble’ Johnson, Volkan Oezdemir, Michael Chandler Jr, and Chris Algieri to name a few. He fulfilled this same role previously with MMA’s The Blackzilians. Prior to MMA, Dr. Peacock spent his time as a Strength and Conditioning Coach at the collegiate level, where he focused his application on Football. As a former collegiate football player, Corey graduated from Kent State University with a Ph.D. in Exercise Physiology. He works closely with many professionals from the NFL, NHL, MMA and NCAAF and is regarded as one of the top Performance Coaches and Sports Scientists in South Florida. Along with coaching, Dr. Peacock also serves as an Associate Professor in the Department of Health and Human Performance at Nova Southeastern University. As a researcher, he has contributed multiple peer-reviewed publications integrating the fields of exercise physiology, athletic performance, and supplementation. Dr. Peacock serves an Associate Editor for the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. He is also a Performance Consultant for both The International Society of Sports Nutrition and The Advanced Coaching Academy.
In this episode we discuss:
• Current role and educational background?
• Athletes that you work with currently, MMA and other?
• Where did you grow up?
• What sport were you into as a kid?
• Why did you pursue a PhD?
• Do you get star struck working with such high-level athletes?
• How important is sleep in the athlete recovery process? And if so, do the fighters take it seriously?
• Do any of your athletes have sleep disorders and how do you help treat them?
• Do you use any technologies to measure sleep?
• Do you schedule training activities considering circadian biology?
• Do you try to phase advance fighters for the main card?
• What do you advocate for the week of a fight when they are weight cutting and have media obligations?
• What do you typically focus on in camp, strength, skill, aerobic or anaerobic conditioning?
Follow or contact Corey
Peacock Performance and Physiology https://peacockperformance.com
Instagram: drcpeacock
Twitter @DrCPeacock
Contact me at
Dr Ian Dunican
Thursday Aug 02, 2018
S4P Radio, Season 2, Episode 4 with Lama Surya Das on Tibetan Dream Yoga
Thursday Aug 02, 2018
Thursday Aug 02, 2018
S4P Radio, Season 2, Episode 4 with Lama Surya Das on Tibetan Dream Yoga
Lama Surya Das is one of the foremost Western Buddhist meditation teachers and scholars. The Dalai Lama affectionately calls him “the American Lama”. He has spent over forty-five years studying Zen, Vipassana, Yoga, and Tibetan Buddhism with many of the great old masters of Asia, among them, some of the Dalai Lama’s own teachers. He is an authorized lama in the Tibetan Buddhist order, a leading spokesperson for Buddhism and contemporary spirituality, a translator, poet, meditation master, chant master, and spiritual activist. Lama Surya Das is the author of the international bestselling Awakening trilogy: Awakening the Buddha Within, Awakening to the Sacred andAwakening the Buddhist Heart, as well as his latest book, Make Me One with Everything: Buddhist Meditations To Awaken From The Illusion Of Separation and nine others.
In 1991 he established the Dzogchen Foundation and Dzogchen Retreats (www.dzogchen.org). In 1993,with the Dalai Lama, he founded the Western Buddhist Teachers Network and regularly organizes its International Buddhist Teachers’ Conferences. Today Lama Surya Das teaches and lectures around the world, conducting dozens of meditation retreats and workshops each year andis a regular contributor at The Huffington Postand Elephant Journal. His podcast “Awakening Now” can be found on the Be Here Now Network and his blog, Ask the Lamaat askthelama.com. Lama Surya’s lecture and retreat schedule can be viewed on his website surya.org. You can follow Lama on Facebook (Lama Surya Das), Twitter (@LamaSuryaDas), and Instagram (lamasuryadasusa). Lama Surya Das resides in Lexington, Massachusetts.
In this awesome episode of Sleep4Performanc Radio, Surya Das and I discuss Tibetan Dream Yoga and much more, including;
- The basics of Buddhism
- Did the Buddha talk about sleep?
- How does meditation help you relax and reduce stress?
- Why and how meditation helps you sleep?
- Why does meditation make me less sleepy?
- The benefits of meditation retreats.
- Dream yoga, how it works?
- The benefits of dream yoga in our waking life
- How can people support the Dzogchen centre?
Contact me at iandunican@sleep4performance.com.au or on Twitter @sleep4perform
Wednesday Aug 01, 2018
Wednesday Aug 01, 2018
In this episode I talk with Dr Shona Halson.Dr Shona Halson is the Senior Recovery Physiologist at the Australian Institute of Sport and an Associate Editor of the International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance. Her work involves providing athletes with advice and assistance to minimise fatigue and maximise recovery, she is responsible for conducting applied research to evaluate techniques to reduce fatigue and increase recovery. Shona has worked closely with the Australian Dolphins and their specific preparation for the Rio Olympics. Shona has a wealth of experience in the area of fatigue and recovery and she spent a number of years working as the Recovery Centre Director for the Australian Olympic Committee.
Follow Shona on Twitter @ShonaHalson
And S4P @sleep4perform and contact me at iandunican@sleep4performance.com.au
Wednesday Jul 25, 2018
S4P Radio Season 2, Episode 2 with Major Bram Connolly DSM_Sleep is a Weapon
Wednesday Jul 25, 2018
Wednesday Jul 25, 2018
In this episode I speak with my friend Bram Connolly. Bram is an expert in both fields of crisis management and leadership.
He spent 20 years in the Australian Defence Force, 15 years of which were spent in the Australian Special Forces and was awarded the Distinguished Service Medal for leadership in combat in 2012.
Bram is the CEO of Hindsight Crisis Management and the founder and president of Warrior U (Pty Ltd) an enterprise that seeks to "mobilise and motivate the next generation", as well as an accomplished public speaker, tackling such topics as PTSD, Veteran victimisation and the changing face of terrorism. His position on these topics are underpinned by a Bachelor of International Studies, at the University of New England (UNE), majoring in societies and peace studies.
Bram is the author of "The Fighting Season" and "Off Reservation" both published by Allen and Unwin in 2016 and 2017 respectively. You can find links to purchase these and more information at http://www.bramconnolly.com and you can contact Bram at bram.connolly@me.com and follow Bram on Twitter @bramconnolly
As always follow me @sleep4perform and contact me at iandunican@sleep4performance.com.au
Thursday Jul 19, 2018
S4P Radio Season 2, Episode 1 with Dr Amy Bender_Sleep and Sport
Thursday Jul 19, 2018
Thursday Jul 19, 2018
Dr. Bender is Clinical Program Director of Athlete Services at the Centre for Sleep and Human Performance and is also an Adjunct Assistant Professor of Kinesiology at the University of Calgary. She received her PhD and Master of Science degrees in Experimental Psychology from Washington State University specializing in sleep EEG.
Her current research focuses on optimizing sleep in Canadian Olympic Team athletes and the impact on performance. Her research interests stem from being an athlete herself; she is a Hall of Fame basketball player, has enjoyed some mountaineering, completed an Ironman in 2009, and currently runs after her 3 children who are all 5 and under. She is driven to help high-performers optimize sleep to enhance their well-being and productivity.
Catch her on Twitter @sleep4sport
Monday May 07, 2018
S4P Special Episode #3 BASES Webinar questions answered
Monday May 07, 2018
Monday May 07, 2018
In this episode I address listener queries from a recent Webinar I conducted for the British Association of Sport and Exercise Scientists.
- What are your favourite sleep supplements?
- Any previous research on how the amount of sleep can impact on YOUNG CHILDREN?
- Are short naps (30min) really the best way to recover or would you recommend longer napping time? Would it differ for match day?
- As a PT I often start early finish late is napping or one long sleep a week the same as regular 8 hrs?
- At what range of rest (hrs of sleep) is it deemed dangerous to train? (i.e high injury risk)
- Best strategies to promote sleep in soccer players when kick off is 8pm
- Can nutritional intake affect sleep?
- Can u clarify what you mean by 'athlete', and to what extent ur principles apply to non-professional athletes?
- Current gaps in research with regards to sleep and elite team sport athlete’s wellbeing.
- Does sleep requirement change or just the type of sleep during high-volume training periods? how is this best managed?
- How can we trust actigraphy data from a third party ie Fatigue science vs raw actigraphy data?
- How do you get more Slow Wave Sleep? What if after analyzing the sleep cycles that although asleep you stay in your light sleep
- How to deal with a jet lag
- I am interested in the sleep strategies employed for prolonged military excursions.
As always contact me at iandunican@sleep4performance.com.au
Monday May 07, 2018
S4P #Special Episode #2 Updates and Season 2 Updates
Monday May 07, 2018
Monday May 07, 2018
In this episode, I give an update on upcoming episodes, studies in progress, what has been happening so far, and my new business "Melius Consulting"
Links associated with this episode
Human Kinetics Webinar http://www.humankinetics.com/all-webinars/all-webinars/-sleep-and-performance
My Pacey Performance episode https://www.strengthofscience.com/pacey-performance-podcast/pacey-performance-podcast-174-ian-dunican/
Audio abstracts
Contact me at iandunican@sleep4performance.com.au
Tuesday Mar 27, 2018
Tuesday Mar 27, 2018
Tim Smithies recently completed his BSc (Hons) at the University of Western Australia. Supervised by Dr. Ian Dunican, Dr. Jennifer Walsh and Prof. Peter Eastwood, his honours project was with the former Super Rugby team (and most travelled professional sporting team in the world) the Western Force, and aimed to assess how long distance international travel affects the sleep of Super Rugby players. Furthermore, the project assessed how this travel can affect the team's game performance. Tim also plays premier grade cricket in Perth, and is travelling to the U.K. this year to play cricket.
You can contact Tim at tidasmi@gmail.com and obtain a copy of his thesis via email.
And as always contact Sleep4Performance at
twitter @sleep4perform
Dr Ian C Dunican
Sunday Mar 11, 2018
Season 1 #Episode 17: Sleep Interventions for Athletes with Daniel Bonnar
Sunday Mar 11, 2018
Sunday Mar 11, 2018
Daniel Bonnar is a clinical psychologist and Masters graduate of the world class insomnia research group at Flinders University, South Australia. He currently works as a clinical psychologist treating children, adolescents and adults with sleep disorders at Jeffery and Ree Clinical Psychologists – Sleep Matters. He is a published researcher associated with Flinders University and has worked on international collaborations and been invited to peer review papers for scientific journals. The focus of his research over the last few years has been in the area of sleep and athletic performance.
Peer reviewed journal publications
- Bonnar D, Bartel K, Kakoschke N, & Lang C. (2017). Sleep interventions designed to improve athletic performance and recovery: A systematic review of current approaches. Sports Medicine, 48(3), 683-703.
- Bonnar D, & Gradisar M. (2015). Caffeine and sleep in adolescents: A systematic review. Journal of Caffeine Research, 5(3), 105-114.
- Bonnar D, Gradisar M, Moseley L, Coughlin AM, Cain N, & Short MA. (2015). Evaluation of novel school-based interventions for adolescent sleep problems: Does parental involvement and bright light improve outcomes? Sleep Health, 1(1), 66 – 74.
- Tlauka M, Donaldson P, & Bonnar D. (2015). Immediate and delayed recall of a small-scale spatial-array. Memory, 23(3), 420 – 426.
Conference Presentations
- Cain, N., Bonnar, D., Moseley, L., Coughlin, A.M., Short, M. and Gradisar, M. (2014). Motivated to sleep in: A randomised controlled trial of motivational school-based sleep interventions for adolescents. 26th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Australasian Sleep Association and Australasian Sleep Technologists Association. Oct 2014.
- Bonnar, D., Gradisar, M., Moseley, L., Coughlin, A.M. and Cain, N. (2014). Evaluation of school-based sleep interventions: Does adjunct bright light therapy and parental involvement improve treatment outcomes? 22nd Congress of the European Sleep Research Society. Tallinn, Estonia. Sep 2014.
- Psych.(Clin.) (Flinders Univ., 2014); B.Sc.(Hon.) (Flinders Univ., 2012).
Contact Details
Ph: 6267 6033
E-mail: dkbonnar@hotmail.com
Monday Feb 26, 2018
Monday Feb 26, 2018
Maddison graduated from the University of Western Australia with a Bachelor degree and Honours in Sport Science. In conjunction with the Western Australian Institute of Sport, she has been investigating the influence of evening electronic device use on sleep in athletes for her PhD, which is currently in the final review phase. Maddison has worked with a range of Olympic sports in the Physiology departments at the WA Institute of Sport and the Australian Institute of Sport, particularly with the Sailing and Rowing programs. An ex-rower herself, she has also coached high school rowing since 2009. She has recently moved to Brisbane and hopes to continue helping people improve their sleep and athletic performance.
Scientific work
Jones MJ, Peeling P, Dawson B, Halson S, Miller J, Dunican I, Clarke M, Goodman C, Eastwood P (2018). Evening electronic device use: The effects on alertness, sleep and next-day physical performance in athletes. Journal of Sports Sciences, 36(2), 162-170. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02640414.2017.1287936
Jones, M. J., Dunican, I. C., Murray, K., Peeling, P., Dawson, B., Halson, S.,Eastwood, P. R. (2018). The psychomotor vigilance test: a comparison of different test durations in elite athletes. J Sports Sci, 1-5. doi:10.1080/02640414.2018.1433443.
Thursday Feb 15, 2018
Season 1 #Episode 15 Sleep Disorders in Elite Athletes with Johnpaul Caia
Thursday Feb 15, 2018
Thursday Feb 15, 2018
In today’s episode, I speak to Johnpaul Caia from University of Queensland. John Paul is a performance scientist for the Brisbane Broncos Rugby League Club and is currently completing his PhD at the University of Queensland examining sleep and recovery methods in professional rugby league athletes. Prior to this, Johnpaul received his Bachelor's Degree and First-Class Honours in Human Movement from RMIT University, before completing his Master's Degree in Health and Sport Science at the University Memphis. Johnpaul has extensive sport science experience across multiple team sports at the professional, collegiate and junior levels and is interested strategies to improve the performance and recovery of athletes.
In this episode of S4P Radio we cover
- Short introduction and background
- Why and how did you get interested in sleep and performance research?
- Can you give an overview of your research and the groups that you work with?
- Why did you conduct this study? Can you explain rugby league players anthropometric characteristics?
- There is very little on this subjective (few studies in NFL and ice hockey), What was the aim/s of the study?
- Methods, how did you do this? Objective/subjective measures
- What did you find?
- Did the results surprise you, the team and the management?
- What does this mean in the context of improving athletic performance?
- What is your next project?
- What is your “number one sleep do” and “sleep don’t” for listeners?
Contact Johnpaul
Email: Johnpaul.Caia@broncos.com.au
Twitter: @JohnpaulCaia
JPs research papers
- Johnpaul Caia,Heidi R. Thornton, Vincent G. Kelly, Tannath J. Scott, Shona L. Halson, Balin Cupples, Matthew W. Driller. (2017) Does self-perceived sleep reflect sleep estimated via activity monitors in professional rugby league athletes?. Journal of Sports Sciences 0:0, pages 1-5.
- Johnpaul Caia,Shona L. Halson, Tannath J. Scott, Vincent G. Kelly. (2017) Intra-individual variability in the sleep of senior and junior rugby league athletes during the competitive season. Chronobiology International 34:9, pages 1239-1247.
- Andrew Scott, Johnpaul Caia, Riley Forbes, Vincent Kelly, Sleep disordered breathing and cephalometric predictors in an Australian rugby league team http://erj.ersjournals.com/content/50/suppl_61/PA2345, European Respiratory Journal 2017 50: PA2345.
Monday Jan 29, 2018
Season 1 #Episode 14 Outrun Cancer with Luca Turrini
Monday Jan 29, 2018
Monday Jan 29, 2018
Luca Turrini is an ultra-runner athlete who runs marathons and ultramarathon on road, trails, around the track and even ran for 24 hours straight on a treadmill (breaking a Guinness World Record in the process)! For how crazy this may sound to many, most of the running he does is to raise funds for cancer prevention through his OUTRUNCANCER, not for profit.
More information on Luca https://www.outruncancer.com/about/meet-luca/
Contact Luca
Luca Turrini
+61 (0) 40 6599821
Twitter @outruncancer
Facebook www.facebook.com/outruncancer
What's the Outruncancer Corporate Treadmill Marathon: https://youtu.be/HTxw5GUU8pE
What's the 5in5 training program: https://www.lucaturrini.com/5marathonsin5days.html
Tuesday Jan 23, 2018
Tuesday Jan 23, 2018
Ian Dunican has 20 yrs international professional experience in Health, Safety and Business Improvement in military, mining, rail, oil & gas, utilities. He is the Director of Melius Consulting/Sleep4Performance and a researcher with the University of Western Australia (UWA), where he works with elite sporting organisations/athletes to optimise performance with the Australian Institute of Sport (AIS) and professional teams in Super Rugby, Australian Rules Football, Basketball and Martial Arts.
He regularly contributes to articles within the popular media and has been featured on the health report on ABC radio, numerous podcasts and has appeared on ABC television, Channel 7, Channel 10 and Channel 9 in Australia. He has authored and co-authored a number of scientific articles and technical reports and is a regular reviewer for scientific peer reviewed journals. He was a TEDxPerth 2017 speaker.
Tuesday Jan 16, 2018
Tuesday Jan 16, 2018
Sleep4Performance Radio Episode #15
Fatigue Management in High Risk Industries (Mining, Oil, Gas, Aviation, Rail)
This week’s guest is Todd Dawson from Caterpillar (Yes, the company that makes big mining and construction equipment). Todd works with Caterpillar Safety Services as the Global Fatigue Solutions Manager.
Todd graduated from Harvard University with a degree in Biological Anthropology where he focused on circadian rhythms and hormones, writing a senior thesis on the effects of working night shift on human salivary cortisol. Todd went on to become a leader in the field of human fatigue management. Over the past 20 years he has worked all over the globe and in many industries implementing fatigue risk management systems, providing training to shiftworkers, and implementing technologies to mitigate fatigue. He also enjoys the great outdoors and is an avid fisherman and hunter as well as the occasional binge watcher of Vikings, Supernatural, Game of Thrones and documentaries. Todd currently lives just outside Boston, Massachusetts.
Contact Todd Dawson
Fatigue Solutions Manager
Caterpillar, Inc.
cell: 617-759-2117
Friday Dec 22, 2017
Season 1 #Episode 12 Jason Donaldson -Fighting Christmas Fat
Friday Dec 22, 2017
Friday Dec 22, 2017
In this episode Jason returns to discuss how to stay fit and healthy over Christmas, how to use the breath to help your mental health and how to kick start the new year fitness goals.
Links to Jason and links discussed in the show
The Cell Coach
Power Speed Endurance/The Art of Breath
Meditation Apps
The Oxygen Advantage - Patrick McKeown
The Oxygen Advantage Book - http://amzn.to/2BKTxUE
Contact me iandunican@sleep4performance.com.au
Go to www.sleep4performance.com.au for more information
Thursday Nov 30, 2017
Season 1 #Episode 11 Jacob Fiedler-Fatigue Science
Thursday Nov 30, 2017
Thursday Nov 30, 2017
Over the past 5-years, Jacob has worked with mining, transportation, construction and professional sports organizations to apply wearable technology and bio-mathematical science to optimize human performance and to improve productivity, safety and health. Recently, Jacob and Fatigue Science have been actively supporting firms responsible for delivery of Europe's largest construction project: Crossrail a $19-billion, 118-kilometre railway line under development in London, UK, that at its peak employed some 14,000 people. Jacob is based in Toronto, Canada.
Contact Jacob
Jacob Fiedler,
Sales Director, Fatigue Science
+1 (604) 408-0085 x124
+44 (020) 3884 1061
Music for this episode is courtesy of Bensound Click here
Further information on Sleep4Performance
Check out the website and sign up for blogs, podcast news and free downloads Click here
Click here for Facebook where I post regularly throughout the week.
Click here for Twitter to keep up to date with my ramblings on sleep, sport and anything!!!
Contact me and feedback at iandunican@sleep4performance.com.au
Oh yeah and if you want to see an awesome performance of Insomnia by the Faithless …watch this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3bHLifwHrN0
Tuesday Nov 14, 2017
S4P #Special Episode #1 Reflection on TEDxPerth and Q&A
Tuesday Nov 14, 2017
Tuesday Nov 14, 2017
In this episode I discuss my recent TEDxPerth experience and address some recent questions from the audience, TEDx attendees and oteh commonly asked questions.
Friday Nov 03, 2017
Season1 #Episode 10: Matt Pomery, Military, Mining and Ultra Running.
Friday Nov 03, 2017
Friday Nov 03, 2017
"Matt and I initially met over coffee to talk about running, after our partners had suggested we meet. Six months later we were training for an 100km mountain ultramarathon and he went on to complete the race, having not run more than a half marathon previously. Through the course of the final stages of training, and the race itself, Matt was conned in to a sleep study by myself.
Thursday Oct 19, 2017
Thursday Oct 19, 2017
In this episode, I speak to Joanna about her Ph.D. research at UWA. Joanna has spent over a decade in the fitness industry including 6 years as the regional Master Coach for the Australian Institute of Fitness (WA). With over 15 years of dance training and conditioning experience, Joanna fills her passion for teaching as a pole dancing instructor.
Joanna is currently a PhD candidate at the University of Western Australia and is conducting research into the science of pole dancing. The overall aim of her research is to build foundation knowledge on the psychological (participation motives and outcomes), physiological (metabolic and cardiovascular demand, fitness and body composition changes) and biomechanical (muscle activation, kinematics and injury surveillance) characteristics of pole dancing.
Pole dancing has become a popular form of physical activity over the last 10 years; however, little research has been devoted to understanding pole dancing as a form of physical activity from an exercise science perspective. The outcomes of Joanna’s research will this assist in educating the community, health professionals and studio owners on the associated benefits, limitations and risks of pole dancing; plus serve as a platform for future research to be conducted in the areas of pole dancing psychology, physiology and biomechanics.
Contact details and social media
Email: joanna.nicholas@uwa.edu.au
Mobile: 0403 732 905
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/poledancingresearch/?hl=en
Twitter: https://twitter.com/JoannaCNicholas
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/153151078358475/
Research Gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Joanna_Nicholas
Joanna is recruiting females for a training study looking at the effects of pole dancing on the body and mind. To be eligible participants must be female, over 18 years, uninjured and able to exercise, and have not participated in regular pole dancing classes in the past. Participants will attend a testing session at UWA completing a 2D DXA body composition scan, fitness tests and a survey. They will then attend two pole dancing classes a week (average 60 minutes in duration) for 8 weeks at a Perth-based studio before returning to UWA for follow up tests. Pole dancing terms commence late October so if interested please contact Joanna ASAP.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Who can sign up for the study? Females over 18 years that have not done regular pole dancing classesat a studio before.
- Do I need to be really fit? No, so long as you are uninjured and in good health (medically cleared to exercise) you are able to participate.
- What do I get in return for paying for my classes? You will receive two free 2D DXA body composition scans and fitness assessments which can cost up to $300 at an exercise clinic.
- Is it ok if the studio I choose doesn’t run 8 week terms? Yes. It is ok if your studio runs shorter or longer terms, so long as you complete your daily online training diary.
- Can I attend classes at different studios? No. Unfortunately for consistency participants are required to attend all classes at the same studio.
- Can I sign up for other aerial/fitness classes that the studio offers? No. For this study we require participants stick to two beginner pole classes a week (classes that involve learning beginner moves on a pole).
- Can I start other new exercise regimes? No. It is important that your physical activity levels outside of your pole dancing classes remain minimal or at a level that is consistent to before starting the study.
Keen to be on board? What to do next…
- Choose and contact a studio - book and pay for 2 classes a week for one term (payment made directly to your studio)
- Notify us of the studio you wish to attend and the date of your first class
- Book pre-testing session at UWA
- Include your contact phone number in your reply email
Friday Oct 06, 2017
Season1 #Episode 8: Sleep and extreme challenges with Gavin McClurg
Friday Oct 06, 2017
Friday Oct 06, 2017
In this episode #009, I have a chat with my new friend Gavin McClurg via Zoom. Gavin is based in Idaho, USA. I have recently been working with Gavin for his sleep/recovery and performance optimisation strategy in his lead up to the Red Bull X-Alps a paragliding / foot race across the Alps from Salzburg to Monaco. In ten days Gavin flew 1560 kilometres, walked 498 (12+ marathons) and scaled 52,000 meters of vertical ascent on foot (Everest 5 times). Gavin makes my finish at Leadville 100 and other ultra-marathons look amateur with this impressive resume.
Gavin is no stranger to adventure and exploration. He is a 2015 National Geographic “Adventurer of the Year” for his unpowered paragliding expedition across the Canadian Rockies. He became the first person to traverse the full length of the Alaska Range by foot and paraglider (unsupported) in 2016. He is the owner, founder and Captain of “Offshore Odysseys”, a global kitesurfing/surfing/sailing expedition. He has twice circumnavigated the world by sail, living at sea for 13 straight years, including short-handed roundings of both notorious capes (Horn and Good Hope). Gavin holds the current North American-record for foot launched cross-country paragliding, a flight of 240 miles deep into Montana from his home town of Sun Valley, Idaho.
Check out more on Gavin at
Facebook: facebook.com/gavinnmcclurg
Instagram: @gavinmcclurg
Twitter: @cloudbasemayhem
Website: www.cloudbasemayhem.com
Films: http://www.cloudbasemayhem.com/visual-delights/
Further information on Sleep4Performance
Check out the website and sign up for blogs, podcast news and free downloads www.sleep4performance.com.au
Click here for Facebook were I post regularly throughout the week.
Click here for Twitter to keep up to date with my ramblings on sleep, sport and anything!!!
Contact me and feedback at iandunican@sleep4performance.com.au